At the the NAWBO Hall of Fame Gala, 11 rockstar women were chosen from an impressive list into the Greater Raleigh chapter’s inaugural Hall of Fame. This initiative was launched this year to honor women business owners who have had a meaningful impact on the economic development of North Carolina. As a sponsor, I was treated to a very festive, fun event showcasing just how far women have come since the days when we were not allowed to borrow money without a man’s co-signature. It was in 1988 that a law was passed making it illegal for a bank to discriminate based on gender. That was only 30 years ago. Seriously. Today, many women business owners hold pursestrings, power and are in a position to make a significant difference in corporate culture across America.
As part of the celebration, Christine Jones Jewelry gave away 2 pairs of earrings, 1 necklace/earring set and a gift certificate for jewelry (stock, remake or custom). Adorning the powerful… I love it!
(For those who don’t know, NAWBO is an acronym for National Association of Women Business Owners:-)